26 Jan

Hearth members were out and about early for the day's travel.
When we arrived at our location, members set up for blot, then took some pictures and video.
Members then took some time to relax, do some breathing exercises, for what would be a journey of mind during the Sleipnir blot

We started with our landvættir call and offerings, then moved into postion for the cleansing, hallowing and drumming.

Hearth stríðsmaður chanted Rune Galdr.

Blot was performed in the sacred stone circle followed by sumbel.

Afterwards members sat in the sacred stone circle drumming and chanting galdr.

Hearth members went to a nearby park for our Australia Day BBQ.

A very nice nice day.

Hail Our Gods!

Hail Our Folk!

Gothi & Hearth Guardian.


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