22 Jun

Südhimmel Hearth members and guests met at one of our favourite locations the sacred stone circle near the foothills of the Dandenong Rangers.

Beging our first Mother Night as a AOR Hearth, I breifly went through the blot with the hearth and the order we would follow.
Soon followed the ritual drumming as the sun set and our blot began.

All attending peformed the Yule rite.
From oldest to youngest, the white candle was passed, one by one, calling to each "a merry Yule to you" with the youngest lighting the Yule candle, a token of the etenal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth - an unbroken chain.

Our blot and sumbel went well, everyone enjoyed their time and the balmy 5c weather under a bright fog cloaked fullmoon.

Later we headed down to a local park for a BBQ feast. And as always there was plenty of folk related chat.

After what was a long feast we made our way to anther location for the lighting of the sun wheel.

Not all members could attend today; a mention of their absence was acknowledged.

Gothi & Hearth Guardian.

Hail to Mothers and the Sun Reborn!


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