20 Jul

Our day began with strong freezing cold winds and heavy rain.
We all gathered at one of our favourite locations in The Basin at the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges.
Blot is usually held in a near by grove, but given the weather it was decided to hold blot at the undercover BBQ area.

Südhimmel Hearth AOR members set up the alter and an offering area for our Charming of the Plow rite.

Corn Mother Tokens were presented and rites given; a couple of members decided to keep their Corn Mother Tokens and others placed them in nature where they felt appropiate (good energy).
Each member took a small cake and gave offering to Mother Earth.
Oats were poured in spiral swirl patterns and sprinked around the area.

The sour dough loaf was sliced and presented to members with butter and honey before sumbel.

Sumbel began and hearty cheers were given, oaths made, ancestors called and words of honour given to them and the gods.

Everyone enjoyed a long BBQ feast, which warmed our bellys nicely.
Plenty of folk related chat and plans made for an up coming gathering for the hearth with other like minded folk invited.

As the sun went down, members moved on to another location to warm up with some tea, coffee and cake.

Members said their good byes, gave thanks and parted ways.
A great day was had by all.

Hail Our Gods!
Hail Our Folk!

Gothi & Hearth Guardian.


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